Tuesday, May 18, 2010

An Ode to Bake Rolls

When traveling any distance to or from Tisovec, it’s usually helpful to take some food with you, or pick some up on the way. I like to take things that are going to make as little mess as possible, since I tend to spill all over myself and just shouldn’t eat in public in general. Things like rolls, sandwiches, Hobbits (mildly sweet oat biscuits), and Bake Rolls are what I usually pack as “bus food.”

I have a vaguely troubled relationship with Bake Rolls. The trouble is that sometimes I find myself thinking, ‘What should I have for dinner? …Oh, I have Bake Rolls!’ I know in my heart of hearts that Bake Rolls do not a healthy, grown-up dinner make. Other than that, though, Bake Rolls and I get along quite well.

Bake Rolls are kind of like bagel chips, but better. The bag describes them as “Delicious, crunchy bread crisps.” They come in many varieties, including garlic, onion, pizza, bacon, cheese (which I’ve only seen in Romania and which weren’t as good as I’d hoped), and the new mushroom & cream. My favorite is salt, or plain. Tasty, simple to pack and eat…in short, perfect bus food.

But sometimes I take too much bus food. In fact, I usually end up bringing part of whatever I packed home with me. And more often than not, the Bake Rolls make it back to the place from whence they came. Over Christmas, a bag of Bake Rolls went all the way to Portugal and made it back intact. I realize this is a little bit ridiculous. It happens nonetheless.

So here's to Bake Rolls, which have been one of my trustiest traveling companions this year. They’ve stood by me through thick and thin, late buses and crowded trains. I love you, Bake Rolls, and I'm looking forward to many more adventures together.

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