About Mjöksiglandi

An imaginary interview, à la Jimmy Rabbitte in "The Commitments."

Tell us a bit about yourself.
I write this blog.  I have more Masters degrees than I know what to do with.  I am a mercenary educator--I'll teach you, but at a price.  I enjoy quoting things out of context and linking to other websites, both of which I do too much.  I am incapable of cooking eggs properly.  I like squirrels.

Why do you have a blog?
I started it in 2007 to update friends and family on my travels.  It's really just a way for me not to write mass e-mails to groups of people.  At the time I started it, I wasn't planning on going to Europe, but then a few months later I did, so my timing was fortuitous.

You do realize your whole blog is a tl;dr, right? 
I do.  But as my boy Marco said, I have not told half of what I saw.

Did you take all them pictures on your blog?
With the exception of the few that I'm in, yes indeedy.  Please don't steal them.

What is this "Mjöksiglandi" nonsense?
As the first post says, it's an Old Norse byname or nickname meaning "far-traveling" or "much-sailing."  I'm not at all of Norse extraction, nor do I know as much about the Norse as I should, but I love names and words and what they mean and their relationships.  If you want to see the list of bynames where I found this particular one, 'tis here.  My second-favorite byname is Bjarki, bear cub.

What about 1812?
That spells Ahab, which is not my real name.  It wasn't meant to spell Ahab; it merely does by coincidence.

What is your real name?
If you're reading this blog, you most likely know that already.  If you are and you don't, it's not important.  Just enjoy.  Anonymity doesn't happen much on the internet anymore, so I try to preserve some by not using my friends' names, either.

Are there any pictures of you on the blog?
I believe there are two.

How often do you update?
We haven't got a regular schedule.  It depends on time: when I have it to go places and then when I have it to write and post.

Do you ever actually know what you're talking about?
Sometimes.  I do look lots of stuff up as I write, because I'm somewhat terrified of unwittingly presenting false information.

How many languages do you speak?
One.  Other than English, I know some French, a little Spanish, and just enough Slovak to not get into trouble; and I know phrases, mostly of the hello/please/thank you/goodbye variety, in a few other languages.

Where is the quote under "About Me" from?
It's from The Water Devil, the third book in Judith Merkle Riley's Margaret of Ashbury trilogy, which I highly recommend.  (The Oracle Glass is also quite good.)  Of course, the headline is from the song "Moon River."

Where is your favorite place in the world?
I'm lousy at picking favorites of anything, but I will say that Champéry, Switzerland, has a special place in my heart.

Any hints or advice for travellers?
In the words of Stephen Stills, "Love the one you're with." 

Updated 8 February 2017