Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Slovak Pub and Slavin

Today is streda.

A popular name for restaurants here appears to be "_____ Pub"; note at left Slovak, Europa, and Celtic Pub. Yesterday night we went to Slovak Pub. I figured with a name like Slovak Pub it had to be good, traditional food, and I was right. It was cool. They were carved wooden bits and antlers and cool stuff, and the menu had all kinds of different Slovak food. I believe my meal was ordered off the part of the menu called "Grandma's Favorites" or something like that (the menu was handily in Slovak, English, and German). I had pirohy (pierogies) filled with cabbage and minced pork, I guess. They had fresh sour cream and bacony bits of fat on the top. We also had a soft drink called Vinea, which is a really light grape soda. My plate of pirohy was only about 130 SK, which is less than seven dollars. Not too shabby, eh?

I need to learn how to say "delicious" in Slovak.

Today I went on a walk with some fellow teachers and we had some good views of the hrad. A-like so:

At one point we saw in the distance this big statue on a hill of a figure with a long pennon or flag flying around him. Although we weren't trying to get there, we ended up getting to see it up close. The area is called Slavin, and the statue is part of a memorial to and burial ground for Russian soldiers who died during the Second World War in Slovakia. Our Slovak teacher later told us that the Soviets helped liberate Bratislava from the Nazis. The sign at the memorial said that 6,850 Russian soldiers were buried there; there were some headstones with men's names on them, but it seems that most of them were buried in mass graves. It's a period of history that I learned about academically, but that many people here actually lived through. The effects of the war and the post-war years are still acting on the country.
And finally, a few more views of the city from Slavin.
The Danube (Dunaj) is the light-colored area at the left, and the round thing is one of the bridges.

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