Saturday, February 26, 2011


Introducing the results of our latest group project: Ctibor (or Borko, as he's affectionately known) is this year's medovina. Led by the chief distiller, our headmaster's older son, we started him back in November, I think, with a few gallons of honey, some yeast, some spices, and a 20-liter or so glass jug. Then a few weeks ago we added more honey and some straight alcohol to make him stronger—although after he sits for a few more weeks he's supposed to get even better. On Wednesday night we divvied him up into whatever bottles we could scrounge. Mine happen to all be the same, but there was quite the motley collection of old vodka, Jagermeister, wine, and vinegar bottles. That's my share of about three liters, and for that I paid 10€, most of which went toward buying the honey. It's a deal any way you shake it.

Na zdravie, Borko. You are beautiful as well as delicious.

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