Sunday, September 27, 2009


This past week we had some short-term volunteers here helping out with some major cleaning and a bit of construction around the gym. On Friday afternoon the headmistress arranged for them to go a few minutes north of here to an area called Zbojská. At Zbojská there is a chata (a cottage or cabin), a restaurant, and two little shops on a hillside. Guests can explore the hills, look at sheep, watch cheese being made (although the whole process takes two days), eat food prepared with really fresh ingredients, buy cheese and crafts, and/or stay overnight. We were there for a few hours, checking out the cheese-making process, eating, and then relaxing on the grounds. I had a huge plate of bryndzové halušky and had no need for dinner later on. It was a really pleasant afternoon. Cheese draining on the left, and strings of cheese to be cut or tied into knots

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