Friday, August 28, 2009

Greetings from T-town

I got back to Tisovec on Saturday evening, and after having been gone for only six weeks, everything is pretty much the same. The only major development is that the hotel where I live is remodeling some of its rooms, including the one I lived in last year and will live in again this year, and they're not done yet. At the moment we're on the next floor up, waiting with ever-diminishing patience for them to finish and let us move in.

So here are some pictures of Tisovec from the opposite side of the building.

In other news, tomorrow, August 29, is a national holiday here. It's the remembrance of the Slovenské národené povstanie, the Slovak National Uprising or SNP. In 1944 Slovaks, Czechs, Poles, and Hungarians who opposed the German-controlled Slovak government began to fight against it. The uprising was based in Banská Bystrica, which is now home to the SNP Museum. Although the uprising was ultimately unsuccessful in overthrowing German power in the area, it was an important event during the war. For more information in English, check out this page.

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