Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Eight years ago I went on a band trip to Europe. We left on July 15 and came back at the end of the month. Every year in my head I celebrate these days by thinking about where we went and what we did and how much fun it all was; but now that I've a blog, I can typey-type-type about it for people to celebrate with me. So for the next two weeks or so that is what we shall do here, with pictures and all. Unfortunately, this was before I had a digital camera, so I have to scan the pictures and thus they may be of lesser quality than we are used to here. You have been forewarned.

Eight years ago today I was on an airplane. For a long time. And a month from today I will also be on an airplane for a long time. But that's a story yet to come. Sit back, relax, and wait for the next sixteen days of European goodness to come your way.

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