Also speaking of things that occured to me after the fact, it turns out that the letters that correspond to 1-8-1-2 can spell Ahab. This was entirely coincidental, but highly amusing. It's quite apt, as I think of my car as The White Whale, even though said vehicle is silver. So in the future I may well refer to myself as Ahab.*

In May I went to the Aiken Highland Games. I've been to a few Highland games/Celtic festivals; my favorites are the San Diego Highland Games, which took place this past weekend and which was the site of the infamous Rogue Sheep incident a few years ago, and the Chicago Celtic Fest, which takes place mid-September in Grant Park. The Chicago event celebrates the culture and heritage of the seven Celtic nations: Brittany, Galicia, Cornwall, the Isle of Man, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. Most Highland games celebrate Scotland, and, usually and to a lesser extent, Ireland.
Some of you may be saying, "We're not the least bit Scottish, Ahab, so we have no idea what actually happens at these 'games' you keep going on about." Although each Highland games differs, there are several common features that occur at most games. One is the clan booths. Many major clan organizations have booths at games where they offer information about genealogy and clan history. Some clan organizations provide refreshments for their members at their booths as well. There are, of course, vendors, selling everything from souvenir event t-shirts to swords, shortbread to meat pies. There are usually musicians, aside from pipe bands. There is Highland dancing and Scottish country dancing. There are often sheep and sheepherding dogs demonstrating their skill or competing in trials. There are heavy athletics, including but by no means limited to the caber toss. There are people in various modes of "Scottish" dress, from reenactment military kilted uniforms to the popular Utilikilt-wifebeater-and-combat-boots (tattoos mandatory) outfit. And there are pipe bands.
Perhaps you have seen Disney's wonderful movie Bedknobs and Broomsticks. If you haven't consider this my recommendation that you should. In the "Portobello Road" sequence, Carrie gazes adoringly at the leader of the Scottish soldiers, walking beside him after they dance. That is a good indication of my own feelings much of the time I'm at a games.
The Aiken Highland Games had all the usual stuff listed above. A band whose name I can't remember played the Proclaimers' "500 Miles" at least three times while I was there, and Scottish singer Alex Beaton performed. There was a brief opening ceremony that included a parade of the clan organizations, prayer, and the national anthems of the United States ("The Star-Spangled Banner"), Canada ("O Canada"), England ("God Save the Queen"), and Scotland ("Flower of Scotland," not "Scotland the Brave"). I, knowing most of the words and being myself, sang them all quietly. I am of the opinion that the people should sing their national anthem, not listen to one person sing it.

They remind me of being on the track team. Heavy athletics include weight for height (right picture), the clachneart, and the sheaf toss (left picture). In weight for height competitors toss a weight over a bar like a pole vault bar. The clachneart is the stone put--like shot put but with larger, heavier, irregularly-shaped stones. In sheaf toss the athlete uses a pitchfork to throw a burlap bag of hay over a bar. As if the throwing itself isn't hard enough, the competitors have to wear kilts. If anyone had ever asked me or any of my thrower teammates to throw in a kilt, we would have fallen down a lot, especially since we all fell down a lot in shorts. The implements in heavy athletics are also heavier than in NCAA track and field events. According to the emcee at the Aiken games, the original "games" in Scotland included races; a very few Highland games have running events as well as heavy athletics.
The dining choices were limited to a funnel cake and snow cone cart and a Scottish foods vendor. Disdaining the generic festival food, I had a sausage roll and an Irn Bru, a meal the Tartan Specials would fully support. The vendors also sold meat pies, "haggis pockets," Scotch eggs, and some kind of meat popover whose name I forget. The sausage roll was a link sausage in a pastry-crust roll, quite delectable; Irn Bru is a Scottish soft drink whose flavor is reminiscent of a creamsicle. It's something that I'd heard about before, so I was glad of the chance to try it. A bit later I also bought from a baker from Tennessee a piece of shortbread with chocolate on top, something called "Eccles cakes" that are little pastries with raisins and spices in them, and cranberry-orange scones. Mmm, baked goods.

So while the Aiken Highland Games weren't the best games I've ever been to, they were quite pleasant. I had a good time, even though I got a sunburn which is still plaguing me today. Until next time, keep your bagpipe radar on.
*"Okay, Ted, George Washington..."
"Had wooden teeth, chased Moby Dick."
"That's Captain Ahab, dude."
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
I had to get it in here somewhere.